Incident report
Resolution: Won't fix
FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE-p7, amd64
Hi support,
If a trigger was defined only in an in "and" / "or" Expression, also not alone, then not work this trigger.
Example, the first part Expression of the "&"condition is not recognized as a trigger value.
{Template Windows 2008 R2 Server:perf_counter["\LogicalDisk(_Total)\Disk Transfers/sec",300].avg(600,0)}<80 & {Template Windows 2008 R2 Server:perf_counter["\LogicalDisk(_Total)\Avg. Disk sec/Read",300].avg(600,0)}>0.025
on this example Expression i get only a alarm with the last part of this "&" Expression (>0.025), but not in combination with both "&" parts. And this trigger show not in the graphs (look the screenshot).
Any help here ?