Uploaded image for project: 'ZABBIX BUGS AND ISSUES'
  2. ZBX-8845

Got signal [signal:11(SIGSEGV),reason:2,refaddr:0x80219a050]. Crashing ...

    • Icon: Incident report Incident report
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • None
    • 2.2.5
    • Server (S)
    • FreeBSD 9.3-RELEASE-p2

      Server keeps on crashing when trying to start the zabbix server.

      Log output is as follow:

      88982:20141001:145332.767 Starting Zabbix Server. Zabbix 2.2.5 (revision 47411).
       88982:20141001:145332.767 ****** Enabled features ******
       88982:20141001:145332.767 SNMP monitoring:           YES
       88982:20141001:145332.767 IPMI monitoring:            NO
       88982:20141001:145332.767 WEB monitoring:            YES
       88982:20141001:145332.767 VMware monitoring:         YES
       88982:20141001:145332.767 Jabber notifications:      YES
       88982:20141001:145332.767 Ez Texting notifications:  YES
       88982:20141001:145332.767 ODBC:                      YES
       88982:20141001:145332.767 SSH2 support:              YES
       88982:20141001:145332.768 IPv6 support:               NO
       88982:20141001:145332.768 ******************************
       88982:20141001:145332.768 NodeID:                      1
       88982:20141001:145332.768 ******************************
       88982:20141001:145332.768 using configuration file: /usr/local/etc/zabbix22/zabbix_server.conf
       88982:20141001:145332.778 current database version (mandatory/optional): 02020000/02020001
       88982:20141001:145332.778 required mandatory version: 02020000
       88983:20141001:145333.412 server #1 started [configuration syncer #1]
       88984:20141001:145333.413 server #2 started [db watchdog #1]
       88986:20141001:145333.470 server #4 started [poller #2]
       88989:20141001:145333.479 server #7 started [poller #5]
       88985:20141001:145333.480 server #3 started [poller #1]
       88988:20141001:145333.481 server #6 started [poller #4]
       88987:20141001:145333.484 server #5 started [poller #3]
       88990:20141001:145333.484 server #8 started [poller #6]
       88994:20141001:145333.486 server #12 started [poller #10]
       88992:20141001:145333.487 server #10 started [poller #8]
       88993:20141001:145333.488 server #11 started [poller #9]
       88991:20141001:145333.494 server #9 started [poller #7]
       88996:20141001:145333.512 server #14 started [poller #12]
       88998:20141001:145333.514 server #16 started [poller #14]
       88995:20141001:145333.515 server #13 started [poller #11]
       88999:20141001:145333.516 server #17 started [poller #15]
       88997:20141001:145333.517 server #15 started [poller #13]
       89000:20141001:145333.518 server #18 started [poller #16]
       89001:20141001:145333.519 server #19 started [poller #17]
       89003:20141001:145333.528 server #21 started [poller #19]
       89002:20141001:145333.529 server #20 started [poller #18]
       89005:20141001:145333.533 server #23 started [poller #21]
       89004:20141001:145333.536 server #22 started [poller #20]
       89006:20141001:145333.536 server #24 started [poller #22]
       89010:20141001:145333.544 server #28 started [poller #26]
       89007:20141001:145333.545 server #25 started [poller #23]
       89008:20141001:145333.546 server #26 started [poller #24]
       89011:20141001:145333.548 server #29 started [poller #27]
       89009:20141001:145333.549 server #27 started [poller #25]
       89012:20141001:145333.553 server #30 started [poller #28]
       89040:20141001:145333.555 server #58 started [trapper #1]
       89041:20141001:145333.558 server #59 started [trapper #2]
       89014:20141001:145333.560 server #32 started [poller #30]
       89042:20141001:145333.561 server #60 started [trapper #3]
       89013:20141001:145333.561 server #31 started [poller #29]
       89015:20141001:145333.562 server #33 started [poller #31]
       89043:20141001:145333.564 server #61 started [trapper #4]
       89044:20141001:145333.566 server #62 started [trapper #5]
       89045:20141001:145333.568 server #63 started [trapper #6]
       89046:20141001:145333.570 server #64 started [trapper #7]
       89016:20141001:145333.570 server #34 started [poller #32]
       89047:20141001:145333.572 server #65 started [trapper #8]
       89048:20141001:145333.573 server #66 started [trapper #9]
       89049:20141001:145333.575 server #67 started [trapper #10]
       89017:20141001:145333.576 server #35 started [poller #33]
       89050:20141001:145333.577 server #68 started [trapper #11]
       89051:20141001:145333.578 server #69 started [trapper #12]
       89022:20141001:145333.579 server #40 started [poller #38]
       89021:20141001:145333.580 server #39 started [poller #37]
       89052:20141001:145333.580 server #70 started [trapper #13]
       89018:20141001:145333.581 server #36 started [poller #34]
       89019:20141001:145333.581 server #37 started [poller #35]
       89053:20141001:145333.582 server #71 started [trapper #14]
       89054:20141001:145333.583 server #72 started [trapper #15]
       89020:20141001:145333.584 server #38 started [poller #36]
       89055:20141001:145333.585 server #73 started [trapper #16]
       89056:20141001:145333.587 server #74 started [trapper #17]
       89024:20141001:145333.588 server #42 started [poller #40]
       89057:20141001:145333.588 server #75 started [trapper #18]
       89025:20141001:145333.589 server #43 started [unreachable poller #1]
       89027:20141001:145333.590 server #45 started [unreachable poller #3]
       89058:20141001:145333.590 server #76 started [trapper #19]
       89059:20141001:145333.591 server #77 started [trapper #20]
       89060:20141001:145333.593 server #78 started [icmp pinger #1]
       89061:20141001:145333.595 server #79 started [icmp pinger #2]
       89026:20141001:145333.595 server #44 started [unreachable poller #2]
       89023:20141001:145333.596 server #41 started [poller #39]
       89029:20141001:145333.596 server #47 started [unreachable poller #5]
       89062:20141001:145333.596 server #80 started [icmp pinger #3]
       89028:20141001:145333.597 server #46 started [unreachable poller #4]
       89063:20141001:145333.598 server #81 started [alerter #1]
       89064:20141001:145333.599 server #82 started [housekeeper #1]
       89064:20141001:145333.599 executing housekeeper
       89065:20141001:145333.601 server #83 started [timer #1]
       89066:20141001:145333.602 server #84 started [timer #2]
       89032:20141001:145333.603 server #50 started [unreachable poller #8]
       89067:20141001:145333.604 server #85 started [timer #3]
       89031:20141001:145333.605 server #49 started [unreachable poller #7]
       89030:20141001:145333.605 server #48 started [unreachable poller #6]
       89068:20141001:145333.606 server #86 started [timer #4]
       89036:20141001:145333.606 server #54 started [unreachable poller #12]
       89069:20141001:145333.607 server #87 started [node watcher #1]
       89037:20141001:145333.609 server #55 started [unreachable poller #13]
       89070:20141001:145333.609 server #88 started [http poller #1]
       89033:20141001:145333.614 server #51 started [unreachable poller #9]
       89038:20141001:145333.614 server #56 started [unreachable poller #14]
       89034:20141001:145333.615 server #52 started [unreachable poller #10]
       89035:20141001:145333.616 server #53 started [unreachable poller #11]
       89039:20141001:145333.620 server #57 started [unreachable poller #15]
       89079:20141001:145333.625 server #97 started [history syncer #1]
       89080:20141001:145333.627 server #98 started [history syncer #2]
       89081:20141001:145333.629 server #99 started [history syncer #3]
       89082:20141001:145333.631 server #100 started [history syncer #4]
       89083:20141001:145333.633 server #101 started [history syncer #5]
       89084:20141001:145333.635 server #102 started [history syncer #6]
       89085:20141001:145333.637 server #103 started [history syncer #7]
       89086:20141001:145333.638 server #104 started [history syncer #8]
       89087:20141001:145333.640 server #105 started [history syncer #9]
       89088:20141001:145333.641 server #106 started [history syncer #10]
       89089:20141001:145333.642 server #107 started [history syncer #11]
       89090:20141001:145333.643 server #108 started [history syncer #12]
       89091:20141001:145333.644 server #109 started [history syncer #13]
       89092:20141001:145333.645 server #110 started [history syncer #14]
       89093:20141001:145333.646 server #111 started [history syncer #15]
       89094:20141001:145333.647 server #112 started [history syncer #16]
       89095:20141001:145333.649 server #113 started [escalator #1]
       89096:20141001:145333.650 server #114 started [self-monitoring #1]
       89097:20141001:145333.651 server #115 started [vmware collector #1]
       89098:20141001:145333.652 server #116 started [vmware collector #2]
       89099:20141001:145333.653 server #117 started [vmware collector #3]
       89100:20141001:145333.654 server #118 started [vmware collector #4]
       88982:20141001:145333.655 server #0 started [main process]
       89101:20141001:145333.655 server #119 started [vmware collector #5]
       89071:20141001:145333.662 server #89 started [discoverer #1]
       89072:20141001:145333.664 server #90 started [discoverer #2]
       89073:20141001:145333.666 server #91 started [discoverer #3]
       89074:20141001:145333.668 server #92 started [discoverer #4]
       89075:20141001:145333.669 server #93 started [discoverer #5]
       89076:20141001:145333.669 server #94 started [discoverer #6]
       89077:20141001:145333.674 server #95 started [discoverer #7]
       89078:20141001:145333.675 server #96 started [discoverer #8]
       89064:20141001:145333.734 housekeeper [deleted 0 hist/trends, 0 items, 549 events, 0 sessions, 0 alarms, 1 audit items in 0.133710 sec, idle 1 hour(s)]
       89055:20141001:145334.320 cannot send list of active checks to [xx.x.xx.xx]: host [server.dmz] not found
       89070:20141001:145334.421 Got signal [signal:11(SIGSEGV),reason:2,refaddr:0x80219a050]. Crashing ...
       89070:20141001:145334.421 ====== Fatal information: ======
       89070:20141001:145334.421 program counter not available for this architecture
       89070:20141001:145334.421 === Registers: ===
       89070:20141001:145334.421 register dump not available for this architecture
       89070:20141001:145334.421 === Backtrace: ===
       89070:20141001:145334.421 backtrace not available for this platform
       89070:20141001:145334.421 === Memory map: ===
       89070:20141001:145334.421 memory map not available for this platform
       89070:20141001:145334.421 ================================
       88982:20141001:145334.425 One child process died (PID:89070,exitcode/signal:255). Exiting ...
       88982:20141001:145336.529 syncing history data...
       88982:20141001:145336.529 syncing history data done
       88982:20141001:145336.529 syncing trends data...
       88982:20141001:145336.529 syncing trends data done
       88982:20141001:145336.530 Zabbix Server stopped. Zabbix 2.2.5 (revision 47411).

      Attached is the output of
      objdump -DSswx /usr/local/sbin/zabbix_server > /tmp/zabbix-server.objdump

            Unassigned Unassigned
            bossiesa Riaan Olivier
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
