Incident report
Resolution: Duplicate
Switch Stack A:
Switch 1
power supply 1
Switch 2
power supply 1
Switch 3
power supply 1
power supply 2
- The number of switches can vary from stack to stack, and the number of power supplies can vary from switch to switch.
I wrote a LLD discovery rule to discovery all of the members of the stack:
name: stack unit
key: stackunit
snmp oid: discovery[{#STACKUNIT},.]
I also created a macro: {$STACKUNIT} — no value assigned.
Now that I can detect the stack units, I want to detect the power supplies in each unit:
name: powersupplies
key: powersupply
snmp oid: discovery[{#POWERSUPPLY},.]
Next I create an Item prototype to monitor the power supplies:
Name: Unit {#STACKUNIT} - Power Supply {#POWERSUPPLY} - Status:
Key: pwrsupply-["{#STACKUNIT}-{#POWERSUPPLY}"]
It is not working, and I am getting this:
365:20150805:163334.350 item "pssw00:pwrsupply-["{#STACKUNIT}-1"]" became not supported: snmp_parse_oid(): cannot parse OID ".{#STACKUNIT}.1".
It doesn't resolve {#STACKUNIT} for some reason.
- duplicates
ZBXNEXT-1527 cascaded/nested lld
- In specification