Incident report
Resolution: Fixed
using zabbix 1.6.5, issue present in branches/1.6 and trunk.
database is postgresql.
PHP 5.1.6 (RHEL5.3).
Use case was to simply create a user-group which failed.
Looking at the code, the part failing:
$result&=change_group_status($usrgrpid,$users_status); $result&=change_group_gui_access($usrgrpid,$gui_access); if(!$result) return $result;
in frontends/php/include/users.inc.php.
The reason is because pg_query in db.inc.php will return a resource ID (integer ?) which may return false on a binary AND. In my case, the previous value of $result was resource 127 and the return of change_group_status() was 128. Doing a binary AND between 127 and 128 returned false.
In my case, I patched the file users.inc.php, but you may just want to patch DBexecute to force it to return a boolean true/false.