New Feature Request
Resolution: Unresolved
Installation information:
PHP version 5.1.6
PHP memory limit 256M
PHP post max size 32M
PHP upload max filesize 16M
PHP max execution time 600
PHP max input time 600
PHP time zone America/New_York
PHP databases support MySQL
PHP bcmath yes
PHP mbstring yes
PHP sockets yes
PHP GD 2.0.28
PHP GD PNG support yes
PHP libxml 2.6.26
PHP xmlwriter yes
PHP xmlreader yes
PHP ctype yes
PHP session yes
PHP gettext yesInstallation information: PHP version 5.1.6 PHP memory limit 256M PHP post max size 32M PHP upload max filesize 16M PHP max execution time 600 PHP max input time 600 PHP time zone America/New_York PHP databases support MySQL PHP bcmath yes PHP mbstring yes PHP sockets yes PHP GD 2.0.28 PHP GD PNG support yes PHP libxml 2.6.26 PHP xmlwriter yes PHP xmlreader yes PHP ctype yes PHP session yes PHP gettext yes
To help navigation in the interface, it would be appreciated to have some modifications done to the dashboard:
- Change the displayed number for links that lists the items/triggers matching the condition. I.e clicking on Number of not supported items would give the list of all unsupported items.
- Swap colors for disabled and not supported item. In triggers, we have red color for problem and grey for unknown. Since an "not supported" item is probably an error while a disabled one is more a configuration, using red for not supported and grey for disabled would follow the same color scheme of triggers.
Added patch that does the modification for the items line.