New Feature Request
Resolution: Fixed
Ubuntu 12.04
It would be very convenient to be add value mappings via the API. I currently have a script that does this via db insertions, but it is fragile with respect to the database schema changing.
The script is below:
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; my $usage = "$0 valueMapName number newvalue [number2 newvalue2 [...]] E.g.: makevaluemap.pl 'Alarm Status' 1 ok 2 unknown 3 stale 4 problem makevaluemap.pl 'Aliveness' 0 dead 1 alive "; my $valueMapName = shift() || die "No new valuemap name"; my @mapList = @ARGV; die "No mappings given. Usage: $usage\n" if scalar(@mapList) == 0; my $user = qx/whoami/; chomp($user); die "Must be run as the zabbix user" if $user ne 'zabbix'; my $isEvenNumber = scalar(@mapList) % 2 == 0; die "Must give mapping->value pairs. Usage: $usage\n" if not $isEvenNumber; my %mappings = @mapList; my $newValueMapId = 1 + int(qx/psql -t -c 'select max(valuemapid) from valuemaps'/); my $newMappingId = 1 + int(qx/psql -t -c 'select max(mappingid) from mappings'/); eval { my $valueMapCmd = qq/psql -t -c "insert into valuemaps (valuemapid, name) values ('$newValueMapId', '$valueMapName');"/; print "$valueMapCmd\n"; system $valueMapCmd; eval { for my $from (keys %mappings) { my $to = $mappings{$from}; my $mappingCmd= qq/psql -t -c "insert into mappings (mappingid, valuemapid, value, newvalue) values ('$newMappingId', '$newValueMapId', '$from', '$to');"/; print "$mappingCmd\n"; system $mappingCmd; $newMappingId++; } }; if ($@) { die "something went wrong inserting into mappings $@"; } }; if ($@) { die "something went wrong inserting into valuemaps $@"; }
- is duplicated by
ZBXNEXT-2787 API Value Mapping
- Closed
ZBXNEXT-2789 API Value Mapping 2.4
- Closed