Change Request
Resolution: Duplicate
Windows 2008R2
I would like to see an additional macro added to the vfs.fs.discovery key on Windows. Currently vfs.fs.discovery returns 2 macros, #FSNAME and #FSTYPE.
However currently #FSNAME returns the C drive as C:\. Hence the #FSNAME macro works great for the other vfs.* keys. But most Windows based things expect the C drive as C: (no ). For instance the perf counter paths per drive (via perf_counter, i.e. perf_counter["\LogicalDisk(C:)\Avg. Disk Read Queue Length",5]) expect the disk value to be in <letter>:. WMI also keys off of the <letter>: style (see class Win32_LogicalDisk property DeviceID).
I understand that C:\ is the "root" of the filesystem and vfs.fs.discovery is inherently for the file system. It would be nice if the vfs.fs.discovery key also returned a #FSLETTER macro. This would preserve #FSNAME in its present form and not break existing configs. For example:
This would allow greater use (re-use) of that discovery. As of now the only work around I have found is to create my own discovery script that returns <letter>: format. This is unfortunately redundant especially when it is so tantalizingly close with vfs.fs.discovery.
- duplicates
ZBX-5094 Return value {#FSNAME} on windows should not be backslashed
- Closed