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  2. ZBXNEXT-1751

Running reports to gather specific data.


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • None
    • Frontend (F)
    • None
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Server

      What I'm looking for is a way to pull reports similar to the "Triggers top 100" but with parameters more specific than a period of time.

      I'm using Zabbix to monitor over 700 sites with each site having 1 to 100 pieces of equipment there. I'm doing this by making the primary gateway/router as the host (as it has the public IP) and using Items in order to monitor the equipment behind that gateway (grouping with Applications), since I have to do it via port forwarding. Simplifying this explanation, I am using Warning level alerts for equipment behind the gateway/router and High level alerts for the gateway/router.

      My problem in using the "Triggers top 100" is that I have no way to see what the top High level alerts are because they are well below the Warning level alerts. So is there a way to get a "Triggers top 100" style report but only for certain alert levels?

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