New Feature Request
Resolution: Unresolved
As already partially mentioned in ZBXNEXT-150 and more or less in ZBXNEXT-1139, it would be great to have a mouse over feature.
But as I already ran in many hardcoded features which blocked me in one way or the other, I would recommend to have it as a optional feature.
The mouseover could be a Trigger value or a graph or ... plus free text.
An example:
I have a map where non-IT staff can see little icons for the different servers and routers and a green check mark (or a red cross in case of problems).
If they move the mouse over the object, they get the info who to call in case of emergency and maybe some basic technical information (e.g. CPU load, free Ram and network load).
Now if something doesn't work and they see that the CPU load is high, they might just wait a few minutes if the machine catches up.
Or, if there is no CPU load, traffic is low, but no data seems to be coming through -> call tech staff immediately.
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ZBXNEXT-150 Mouseover on Maps to show Graphs
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