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  2. ZBXNEXT-2014

Ability to Set Master Zabbix Server from a 2 Standalone Server Setup with Oracle RAC


    • Icon: New Feature Request New Feature Request
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • Server (S)
    • 2 Standalone Zabbix Servers with Oracle Rac Solution. Where 2 Zabbix Servers have a Load balancer in front for any active connections

      Is it possible to build a new feature within the zabbix server that will allow users to set a primary Zabbix server where emails/scripts/pollers/housekeeping and any other random actions taken by zabbix are executed from?

      So where you have 2 standalone servers behind a loadbalancer and connected to an Oracle RAC solution it will ensure no deadlocks will occur from the systems, so that only emails etc.. will be executed from the zabbix server that is set as the primary? I did make a change like this to the alerter section that would send emails only from the primary server set in a new filed in the media_type table and it worked exactly the way it intended, but I forgot about the pollers and housekeeping sections, so my new compiled binary caused deadlocks and crashed the 2 Zabbix servers.

      So not sure if this is something that is in the works, but if not is it something that can be designed in? I dont want to go down the road of multiple nodes as its more of an overhead for management, where 2 standalone servers will work perfectly well if this feature can be added.


            Unassigned Unassigned
            colum.flannigan Colum Flannigan
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