New Feature Request
Resolution: Unresolved
It would be great to create some macro expander functionality with support of templates.
After it, it is relatively easy to create templates to output almost any content (svg, html, txt, tex, ...)
And it is possible to rewrite "latest data" page by embeding such results.
With this functionality, any user can make its own report and templates can be shared on zabbix wiki page.
Even more, anybody can write simple script which can create any output (pdf, png, ...)
There are many templating systems for PHP, like smarty or latte. Parameter of expansion would be hostgroup, host or item to expand hosts, items or latest data in loop.
Smarty example:
<table border="0" width="300"> <tr> <th colspan="2" bgcolor="#d1d1d1"> Host group {$hostgroupname}"</th> </tr> {foreach from=$hosts item="entry"} <tr bgcolor="{cycle values="#dedede,#eeeeee" advance=false}"> <td>{$entry.description}</td> </tr> {/foreach} </table>
For start, it is enaugh to have zabbix_expand cli. Templating can be done later.
- duplicates
ZBXNEXT-247 Built in feature to export reports and statistics
- Open