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  2. ZBXNEXT-2639

Please add the following Event Sources for Internal ACTIONS


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • 2.4.2
    • Server (S)
    • Ubuntu Linux

      Theres a pretty underutilized part of the UI Actions tab. I think this section and functionality has a lot of potential and am requesting below.

      Currently there are events like: Unsupported Item, etc.

      Please consider the following under Action events sourced from Internal:
      (I understand not all of these will apply as some seem to work better in the monitor/trigger system itself)

      • Housekeeping Completed
      • Action/Escalation Failed/Ran/Etc
      • Zabbix Server/UI/etc Upgraded/Version Changed
      • Notifications Sent to User/Group
      • Heartbeat OK/Down
      • HTTP poller, ICMP/SNMP Poller, VMware Collector, etc OK/Not Running
      • Zabbix User Login/Logout (+ user group filtering)
      • Zabbix Unwritten Cache about to expire
      • Zabbix export/import/upgrade completed
      • Zabbix cache full
      • Zabbix values per second limit threshold (too high/low)
      • No data?
      • Zabbix Web UI unreachable
      • Zabbix Database unreachable
      • Zabbix Proxy unreachable
      • Zabbix Server unreachable
        • (Side note: The proxy should already have the ability to send an email alert in the least if it can't reach the server. Because currently for an failure aware setup, e.g. knowing if our monitoring server dies, we have to build a separate zabbix server, or write a script daemon to monitor our production one even though we have multiple proxies and host agents that could perform this quite easily. But I assume the proxy server or agent could have a part of the mail/alert function from the server in it. Even just a single configuration line in the agent or proxy [Server_Unreachable_Email] would be helpful.)
      • And anything else you guys consider worthy that I am missing cause I'm sure there's something among the mass of stuff that might not belong there!

      And thanks for considering! I realize it's tough because I also had trouble figuring out what should be considered an "Internal Event Source".

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