Change Request
Resolution: Duplicate
2.2.10, 2.4.6
Microsoft Windows
Ability to query WMI is really powerful method when it comes to getting data from Windows.
It would be really nice to be able to control what Zabbix agent (or maybe server) does with retrieved WMI values, if there are more than one. One real life use case would be slightly simplified method of getting FQDN on Windows without cmd/PowerShell woo-doo (ZBXNEXT-2106), for example, extending wmi.get[] item with optional parameters like this
wmi.get[root\CIMV2,"SELECT DNSHostName,Domain FROM Win32_ComputerSystem",.]
Different use case probably requiring different approach/implementation would be to retrieve WMI values, which actually are arrays like OperationalStatus in Msvm_ComputerSystem class. Currently there are no way to retrieve 2nd array element from this class (besides using "system.run[ powershell ....]", which is different story (ZBXNEXT-1101)).
While at it, but this probably is worth its own ticket, maybe it is feasible that Zabbix agent/server would format retrieved WMI tables to JSON for use in LLD (wmi.discovery[] item?)?
- duplicates
ZBXNEXT-2946 Add Agent item for WMI discovery
- Closed