New Feature Request
Resolution: Fixed
Currently trigger functions are bound to one host:item but aggregated items are slow, provide very restricted set of group and item functions and can be used only one at a time. Situation can be improved by introducing a few new concepts.
Group based trigger functions
In addition to existing host:item.func(params) (in triggers), func(host:item,params) and func(item,params) (in calculated items) syntax trigger functions should support host arrays and host group arrays like aggregated items:
in triggers | {[host_1,host_2,host_3]:item.func(params)} {group::item.func(params)} {[group_1,group_2,group_3]::item.func(params)} |
in calculated items | func([host_1,host_2,host_3]:item,params) func(group::item,params) func([group_1,group_2,group_3]::item,params) |
When used with array of hosts, host group or array of groups function will produce arrays of values, each value being function result for a single host:item. Then such arrays can be converted to a single value using...
Standalone trigger functions
These should include functions for converting arrays of values into single value in different ways. Suggested functions and syntax:
sum of values | arr_sum(value_1;value_2;value_3) |
average value | arr_avg(value_1;value_2;value_3) |
maximum | arr_max(value_1;value_2;value_3) |
minimum | arr_min(value_1;value_2;value_3) |
number of values | arr_count(value_1;value_2;value_3) |
... | ... |
Standalone functions can also implement advanced mathematical functions like exp(), log(), sin(), cos(), sqrt(), etc. (Requested in ZBXNEXT-552.) Functions like timeofday(), dayofweek() and dayofmonth() can be made standalone too.
Under the hood standalone functions are basically unary operators with right-to-left associativity (like not and unary minus) acting on arrays of values. Arrays are composed of individual values using "append value" operator ; with left-to-right associativity.
With new functionality it will be possible to substitute aggregated item like
grpavg["MySQL Servers",mysql.qps,avg,5m]
with a calculated item
arr_avg(avg(MySQL Servers::mysql.qps,5m))
or use it directly in a trigger
arr_avg({MySQL Servers::mysql.qps.avg(5m)})
Such aggregation will use value cache and offer more flexibility in the form of all additional parameters supported by conventional trigger functions. Here is an example of a trigger firing when amount of error messages on Web and SQL servers exceeds 100 for the past hour:
arr_sum({[Web Servers,SQL Servers]::log[/path/to/file,error].count(1h)})>100
Equivalent calculated item to demonstrate "functional" syntax:
arr_sum(count("[Web Servers,SQL Servers]::log[/path/to/file,error]",1h))>100
Probably, such array based technique can be applied to the aggregation of items created from item prototypes (ZBXNEXT-1420):
Equivalent calculated item to demonstrate "functional" syntax:
- is duplicated by
ZBXNEXT-6451 Support new syntax for trigger expressions
- Closed
ZBXNEXT-6374 Unified syntax for trigger expressions, calculated and aggregated items
- Closed