Change Request
Resolution: Unresolved
4.0 (plan)
I don't have support contract, so please treat it as suggestion rather than formal request.
In current version of Zabbix (3.4) only one autoregistration rule can be triggered for one host.
This means that administrator must manually define all variants of various hosts. For example,
Windows, Windows+MSSQL, Windows+MSExchange. I'm also using Zorka agent that has much wider array
of options, for example Zorka+JVM+Tomcat+JDBC, Zorka+JVM+Jetty+JDBC+LDAP, Zorka+JVM+Glassfish+REST+SOAP+JDBC+JMS etc.
This creates a lot of potential variants that can be greatly simplified when some of these rules can be defined
separately and triggered conditionally based on host metadata. This would lead to fully automated detection
and registration of agents of varying configurations.
Proposed solution has potential to make autoregistration process fully automated in many more scenarios.