Change Request
Resolution: Duplicate
Centos 7 64bit, zabbix 3.4.9, Wildlfy 12, Template: https://share.zabbix.com/official-templates/wildfly-eap-jboss-discovery
The same problem is in this (CLOSED) issue https://support.zabbix.com/browse/ZBX-12705. But we need name of datasource for better readable in item. We found another problems with this “-“ pattern in other JMX path, this little change solved everything. This fix replace problem paterns.
V3.4.0-V3.4.4 Java Gateway
[ root @ tst-monit-001 ~ ] # ./zabbix_get_jmx.sh 'jmx.discovery[beans,"jboss.as:subsystem=datasources,data-source=*,statistics=pool"]' | jq '.data[0].value | fromjson | .data'
[ { "{#JMXDOMAIN}": "jboss.as", "{#JMXDATA-SOURCE}": "NAV_DS", "{#JMXSUBSYSTEM}": "datasources", "{#JMXSTATISTICS}": "pool", "{#JMXOBJ}": "jboss.as:subsystem=datasources,data-source=NAV_DS,statistics=pool" }
This is exactly the same problem like in the issue.
V3.4.5+ Java Gateway
[ root @ tst-monit-001 ~ ] # ./zabbix_get_jmx.sh 'jmx.discovery[beans,"jboss.as:subsystem=datasources,data-source=*,statistics=pool"]' | jq '.data[0].value | fromjson | .data'
"{#JMXDOMAIN}": “jboss.as",
"{#JMXSUBSYSTEM}": "datasources",
"{#JMXSTATISTICS}": "pool",
"{#JMXOBJ}": "jboss.as:subsystem=datasources,data-source=NAV_DS,statistics=pool"
As you can see there is no possibility to read name of Datasource. I can only use {#JMXOBJ} to name it.
My version is (recompiled 3.4.9)
*What I change in this file is: ** *JMXItemChecker.java
274 // This is changed for replace special characters
275 //String key = property.getKey().toUpperCase();
276 String key = property.getKey().toUpperCase().replace('-', '_’);
[ root @ tst-monit-001 ~ ] # ./zabbix_get_jmx.sh 'jmx.discovery[beans,"jboss.as:subsystem=datasources,data-source=*,statistics=pool"]' | jq '.data[0].value | fromjson | .data'
[ { "{#JMXDOMAIN}": "jboss.as", "{#JMXDATA_SOURCE}": "NAV_DS", "{#JMXSUBSYSTEM}": "datasources", "{#JMXSTATISTICS}": "pool", "{#JMXOBJ}": "jboss.as:subsystem=datasources,data-source=NAV_DS,statistics=pool" }
{#JMXDATA_SOURCE} is valid for zabbix macros
I attached screenshoots from zabbix. There is a difference between name of datasource as you can see .
- duplicates
ZBXNEXT-4209 Java Gateway should allow discovery of MBean properties with non ASCII characters
- Closed