
    • Icon: New Feature Request New Feature Request
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Trivial Trivial
    • None
    • 3.4.10
    • Frontend (F), Server (S)
    • None

      I think the way you implemented dependent items you can implement dependent lld-discoveries in the same way to reuse the data of the discovery.

      At the moment I have multiple discoveries running that executes the same discovery (i.e. interface descriptions). Based on the filter I create several items. Unfortunately with systems and up to 1200 ports per system these discoveries mostly runs into timeout and stresses my systems.

      So it would be good to depend the discovery to each other and after filtering I can increase the number of items in case of more interesting.

      Also it should be necessary to have the ability to access the items on the master discovery - I know this can cause more complex (to ensure that items on 'children' discoveries are also created on 'parents').

            vmurzins Valdis Murzins
            kschreoder Kay Schroeder
            3 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
