Change Request
Resolution: Unresolved
Currently 'select all' button in Configuration -> hosts or similar only selects objects on the page you view while default is 50 objects per page.
Problem: You have to go through all the pages and select objects there before applying a mass update to all filter results.
Suggested solution:
Once 'select all' is clicked there should be an extra option/button that should appear with 'select all filter results' option. By clicking that, all objects on all pages are selected.
Then you can proceed to mass updating objects without any more movement.
Case 1: You have 500+ hosts in host group A. You need to move them from one proxy to another.
- Apply filter to host group A.
- Click 'select all', then click 'select all filter results'
- Click mass update. Change proxy.
Case 2: You have 1000+ items where you want set trends parameter to 2 years.
- Apply filter in Configuration -> Items.
- Click 'select all', then click 'select all filter results'
- Click mass update. Change trends param
Case 3: You want to add additional event tag to 1000+ triggers
- Apply filter in Configuration -> Triggers.
- Click 'select all', then click 'select all filter results'
- Click mass update. Add new tag
Case 4: You want to assign new template to 130 hosts in host group A
- Apply filter in Configuration -> Hosts to match host group A.
- Click 'select all', then click 'select all filter results'
- Click mass update. Assign new template
- caused by
ZBXNEXT-4725 Restore "Hosts/Templates" and "Groups" fields in the "Template" tab
- Closed
- depends on
ZBXNEXT-4825 Monitoring -> Problems: Export to CSV from all pages by default
- Closed