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  2. ZBXNEXT-5496

Aggregate checks "median" function: grpmed (maybe grpstdev too)


      There's a pretty nice set of aggregate check statistical functions - the basics of min/avg/max/last are covered, but one that would be helpful is median.

      The value of median aggregate is that it tends to be resistant to bizarre/false readings. Say you're reporting the average drive temperature from a collection of 36 drives and a few have faulty sensors that always report "0" or -65,535 or + 65,535, that can really thrown the existing aggregate functions way off - while median wouldn't change much and would be a much more accurate number to base AC, airflow, etc. decisions on.

      There is also statistical value in having having a grpstdev function.  For example evaluating grpstdev for ping time would have statistical significance for subnet/branch issues that grpmax wouldn't (single messed up device) and grpavg/grpmed might also not show as clearly.   I see this as less clearly helpful as grpmed (proposed group median aggregate function) but still useful if someone is already messing around with the aggregate function code.

            wiper Andris Zeila
            gessel David Gessel
            2 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
