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  2. ZBXNEXT-552

More mathematical functions to trigger and calculated item expressions


      For statistical analysis of collected/polled Zabbix data some formulas needs to be used.

      Variance needs ability to add to power of 2. (X ** 2 or X^2)
      Standard deviation needs square root (of variance). ( SQRT(X) or X**0.5 or X^0.5)

      Perhaps some others might need to have LN, LOG, EXP etc.

      Example use case:
      Cisco routers provide SLA monitoring and SNMP MIB returns NumberOfMeasures, SumOfMeasures and SumOfMeasuresSquared. From these 3 variables I can calculate

      • average RTT
      • variance of RTT
      • standard deviation of RTT

      Unfortunately only last (standard deviation) needs to be calculated with external program as according to manual Zabbix does not support SQRT-function.

      Also power could be used to combine two 32-bit counters to one 64-bit: counter + counterHigh*2^32 instead of counter + counterHigh*4294967296..

      Luckily PHP has SQRT() and POW() for web interface based square rooting and powering. C++ math.h also has it. So it should not be that big thing or?

        1. 0001-frontends-php-add-power-operator-support-for-trigger.patch
          1 kB
          Oleksandr Natalenko
        2. 0001-zbxalgo-add-power-operator.patch
          1 kB
          Oleksandr Natalenko
        3. zbx_expression.c_pow_sqrt.patch
          2 kB
          Vladimir Kravchenko

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            jhgrc Jori Hämäläinen
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