Uploaded image for project: 'ZABBIX FEATURE REQUESTS'
  2. ZBXNEXT-5868

Value mapping on host/template or item level


    • Sprint 70 (Nov 2020), Sprint 71 (Dec 2020), Sprint 72 (Jan 2021), Sprint 73 (Feb 2021)
    • 9

      Currently there are only global Value Mapping. Creation of new mapping elements is available only to users with a Zabbix Super Admin role. Users with the role of Zabbix Admin can have the rights to create new templates. If when creating a template you still need to add a new mapping, users do not have such an ability.

      In addition, in the case of using global mapping, this list grows to large sizes. Sometimes value mapping is used only for one specific item and is not used anywhere else.

      It would be nice to be able to create value mapping on the template/host level or a single item.



        1. adding_multiple_value_mappings_massupdate.gif
          2.44 MB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        2. broken_autocomplete_in_item_form.gif
          921 kB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        3. broken_multiselect.gif
          966 kB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        4. clone_hostprototype.gif
          567 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        5. dev_numbers.png
          26 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        6. dev.png
          33 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        7. disappearence_of_valuemap_on_item.gif
          1.30 MB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        8. dissapearing_context.gif
          1.75 MB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        9. event_details_runtime.gif
          1.30 MB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        10. full_clone_error.gif
          624 kB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        11. Host_Level_VA_duplicate.png
          66 kB
          Nathan Liefting
        12. image-2021-01-10-19-13-50-621.png
          39 kB
          Alexander Vladishev
        13. image-2021-01-27-12-25-36-400.png
          11 kB
          Alexander Vladishev
        14. image-2021-01-27-12-27-10-352.png
          26 kB
          Alexander Vladishev
        15. image-2021-02-06-16-07-06-079.png
          99 kB
          Alexander Vladishev
        16. image-2021-02-08-12-14-05-329.png
          14 kB
          Alexander Shubin
        17. image-2021-02-08-12-14-36-693.png
          15 kB
          Alexander Shubin
        18. item_copy_issue.gif
          1.46 MB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        19. item_prototype_valuemap_clone_issue.gif
          914 kB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        20. ku.gif
          415 kB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        21. long_value_map_name.gif
          763 kB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        22. mapping_trimming.gif
          1.22 MB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        23. mappings_removal_issue.gif
          770 kB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        24. mass_update_add_valuemap_to_log_and_text.gif
          1.27 MB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        25. mass_update_scroll_issue.gif
          646 kB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        26. massupdate_hostprototype.png
          51 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        27. master_numbers.png
          9 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        28. master.png
          17 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        29. no_valuemap_no_copy.gif
          1.74 MB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        30. not_removed_menu_option.gif
          437 kB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        31. overlay_valuemap_error.gif
          704 kB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        32. remove_all_value_maps_issue.gif
          2.02 MB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        33. screenshot-1.png
          162 kB
          Larisa Grigorjeva
        34. Screenshot from 2021-01-07 13-14-55.png
          18 kB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        35. Screenshot from 2021-01-07 18-49-01.png
          42 kB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        36. Screenshot from 2021-01-12 11-54-36.png
          28 kB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        37. Screenshot from 2021-01-21 14-54-24.png
          23 kB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        38. Screenshot from 2021-01-21 15-11-19.png
          75 kB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        39. Screenshot from 2021-01-22 13-45-56.png
          35 kB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        40. Screenshot from 2021-01-27 18-25-46.png
          4 kB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        41. Screenshot from 2021-02-04 15-51-25.png
          17 kB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        42. Screenshot from 2021-02-11 11-08-50.png
          5 kB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        43. show_value_still_there.gif
          529 kB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        44. still_saving_the_valuemap.gif
          3.43 MB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        45. Template_Level_VA_duplicate.png
          75 kB
          Nathan Liefting
        46. template_unlinkage_value_mapping_issue.gif
          1.70 MB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        47. useless_mass_update_add.gif
          3.95 MB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        48. valuemap_vanishing.gif
          2.03 MB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        49. zbx_export_hosts (4).xml
          5 kB
          Sergejs Olonkins

            gcalenko Gregory Chalenko
            alex_spq Alex Alexandrov (Inactive)
            Team D
            7 Vote for this issue
            23 Start watching this issue
