Change Request
Resolution: Unresolved
In the Template Module Interfaces SNMP discovery rule item prototypes exclusively use SNMP-indexes, which may potentially lead to problems since those indexes can be dynamic and subject to change. It would be a better approach to to use the interface name and use i.e. macro {#IFNAME}
Additionally, "interface type" is used only in trigger "{{Interface {{
{#IFALIAS}}}): Ethernet has changed to lower speed than it was before}}" prototype. In this trigger the mentioned element is compared to 6 constants and will fire only when it is equal to one of those constants. But the value usually remains unchanged (it can change only in case of the physical changes in the device, which would affect LLD as a whole). This basically means that "Interface type" value is created for each discovered LLD, is being collected and stored in the DB, while not actually changes or being needed for all the devices.
This can be optimized with the usage of the new LLD override feature, like:
1. Do not create separate "Interface types" items
2. Remove from the "Ethernet has changed to lower speed than it was before" trigger prototype mentions of interface types
3. Remove the "Discover"option, so it wouldn't be created by default
4. Add an LLD override in to the rule, which would allow to create trigger from prototype based on the discovery, if the interface type is of the 6, that were earlier used in the conditions of the trigger.