New Feature Request
Resolution: Known Error
I was surprised to find I could only enter 255 chars into a global script. I would like to see this increased to be significantly larger (at least multi-thousand).
My use case:
Powershell command that downloads a script from my local GitLab and then runs it. Here is the command - 276 chars in length.
powershell.exe -noprofile -noninteractive -WindowStyle Hidden -Command "& {Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{'Private-Token'='AAAAAAAA-AAAAAAAAAAA'} -Uri http://gitlab.apps.aaaaaaa.cc/api/v4/projects/1016/repository/files/get_CPU_top_procs.ps1/raw?ref=master | Invoke-Expression}"
I realize there are some abbreviations I can use in Powershell to shorten it, but 255 still seems to be a very small limit for a script, especially a Powershell one (since Zabbix doesn't provide a way to enter just the Powershell commands themselves and then launch them in a Powershell instance on your behalf.)
I found this forum post where a user modified this value for his installation, however, another user posted some questions that made me hesitate from implementing this.
Forum post:
- part of
ZBXNEXT-6360 Support of JavaScript for global scripts
- Closed