New Feature Request
Resolution: Duplicate
please make editing the SNMP credentials the same way as editing the IPMI credentials, i.e. as host properties and not any more as properties of a Item.
ZBXNEXT-205 helps a lot, but this is only half the way.
Imagine you have two hosts, one speaks SNMPv1 and the other SNMPv3. If the SNMP credentials are part of the host properties you could use the same SNMPbased Item for both hosts. Item - Templates would be much easier for hosts using different credentials!
Beware. There is one exception!
Some special Applications have their own SNMP agents. So a firewall software uses its own SNMP agent listing on port 1161 because the standard port 161 is already occupied by the system SNMP agent. There there still should be a possilibity to override the host-derived SNMP credentials with the Item-based credentials in SNMP tests.
- duplicates
ZBXNEXT-2613 SNMP version/credentials should be set at interface level, not item level
- Closed