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  2. ZBXNEXT-6544

New set of operators, mathematical and string functions for trigger expressions


    • Icon: New Feature Request New Feature Request
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Trivial Trivial
    • 5.4.0rc1, 5.4 (plan)
    • None
    • Frontend (F)
    • None
    • Sprint 74 (Mar 2021), Sprint 75 (Apr 2021), Sprint 76 (May 2021), Sprint 77 (Jun 2021)
    • 3


      Currently functionality of trigger expressions is not sufficient for all use cases, we must extend it.


      1. Functionality of trigger expressions and trigger functions must be extended to support:
        1. Operators
          1. IN
          2. BETWEEN
          3. Modulo or Reminder (%)
        2. Aggregate functions
          1. COUNT(DISTINCT)
          2. FIRST
          3. KURTOSIS
          4. MAD
          5. SKEWNESS
          6. STDDEV_POP
          7. STDDEV_SAMP
          8. SUM_OF_SQUARES
          9. VAR_POP
          10. VAR_SAMP
        3. Mathematical functions
          1. ABS
          2. CBRT
          3. CEIL/CEILING
          4. E
          5. EXP
          6. EXPM1
          7. FLOOR
          8. LOG
          9. LOG10
          10. PI
          11. POWER
          12. RANDOM/RAND
          13. ROUND
          14. SIGN/SIGNUM
          15. SQRT
          16. TRUNCATE/TRUNC
          17. ACOS
          18. ASIN
          19. ATAN
          20. ATAN2
          21. COS
          22. COSH
          23. COT
          24. DEGREES
          25. RADIANS
          26. SIN
          27. SINH
          28. TAN
        4. String functions
          1. ASCII
          2. BIT_LENGTH
          3. CHAR
          4. CHAR_LENGTH
          5. CONCAT
          6. INSERT
          7. LCASE
          8. LEFT
          9. LENGTH
          10. LOCATE
          11. LTRIM
          12. OCTET_LENGTH
          13. POSITION
          14. REPEAT
          15. REPLACE
          16. RIGHT
          17. RTRIM
          18. SPACE
          19. SUBSTRING
          20. TRIM
          21. UCASE
        5. Bit functions and/or operators
      1. The list above must be reviewed to exclude functionality we already support and obsolete functionality
        1. Duplicate functions that may perform same operations should be excluded in order to minimize number of supported functions (and thus complexity)
      1. A better naming must be proposed to match Zabbix naming convention

        There are no Sub-Tasks for this issue.

            asestakovs Aleksejs Sestakovs
            palivoda Rostislav Palivoda
            Team C
            2 Vote for this issue
            11 Start watching this issue
