Change Request
Resolution: Duplicate
Zabbix since 4.4
Sometime in the Zabbix 4.x era, the Zabbix integrations teams re-worked two of the very most important templates of the whole Zabbix stack (at least in my humble opinion):
- Windows by Zabbix agent
- Linux by Zabbix agent
They seem to be really great templates. Lots of work and thoughts in it, but I never switched from the 3.x era templates, because of the module system. Sorry for the rant, but I hate that approach.
The Windows OS template consists of 9 templates. (https://git.zabbix.com/projects/ZBX/repos/zabbix/browse/templates/os/windows_agent) That's a ridiculous overhead to mange and makes updating and maintaining those templates, when Zabbix teams decides to make improvements or bug fixes, really a pita.
Therefore I request, in regards to the new and updated public roadmap (https://www.zabbix.com/roadmap), that the two most important Zabbix templates, should each be reworked back into one template, like it once was, and like it should be again.
Ps.: I'm not a fan of making the three ICMP items part of every template. I like the ICMP module. It a pita to take care of every ICMP item update interval and pre-processing discard otherwise.
- duplicates
ZBXNEXT-7389 Flatten templates to use no linked templates
- Closed