New Feature Request
Resolution: Fixed
Zabbix Webserver Management Portal
The major job of Zabbix is really to get us information via the Monitoring tab, and I believe (and think many people would agree) that a computer-parsable mechanism to retrieve up to date information on a few sub-elements of this tab would be very very helpful for many reasons. Specifically the ability to digitally digest the following pages...
- Overview
- Latest Data
- Trigger Log
I would recommend this to be done in a very generic/extensible way by making the data available in a simple PHP array, and then having "output filters" allowing users to write their own export mechanisms. In order to help facilitate this, you should at least provide one mechanism (I recommend good ol' XML) as an example. And maybe a secondary method, preferably RSS.
Some use cases on this are as follows...
- I would love to see the Triggers tab (Trigger log) as a RSS feed, wouldn't you? That would ROCK. With this generic export mechanism, it the data that you would have displayed on the Triggers page could also/instead be made available in another format (via a URL parameter maybe) it would allow for this. And with RSS, ANY RSS reader in the world, on any device can now check triggers/health of your system that Zabbix is monitoring, how awesome is that.
- If the "Latest Data" could be formed into a JSON or XML format, with some parameters passed to a URL to narrow down which data one might would, you would be able to grab bits of data and use them elsewhere. For example, on a health/overview page, or, a public-facing website, or for what I think would be the best end goal... to be able to make a mobile Zabbix application (iPhone/Android) that could pull and display this data in a reasonable, native format/program.
- If the overview page (which is sort of like the trigger log, but not exactly) was made available via XML/JSON I could instantly grab it and get a snapshot of the health of my system. When done remotely, and especially via a mobile application I could instantly get a overview of how healthy the system is.
Overall, this would be very helpful for integration with other softwares, making a mobile Zabbix application, helping tie Zabbix into other monitoring systems/solutions, and for making Zabbix much more web 2.0 friendly, so people could make Facebook/MySpace/personal javascript "apps" that can grab and digest data from Zabbix in a reasonable manner (besides page scraping).
Please highly consider this feature.