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  2. ZBXNEXT-7558

Better evidence/notification of Zabbix Proxy failure linked to hosts


      I know we have a dedicated Web Page called Administration->Proxy in which we can find a lot of good information of the Proxies state but nothing is correlated to the linked host...

      My yesterday real use case... A customer show me an host without any kind of "Item Errors" and without "Availability" errors,so no highlights of a possible failure but the "latest page" showed all the items without values from few days...
      So I have start to dig around with "Item test" and we receive a "Timeout error" but why no errors on Configuration->Items page?
      Why the Host Availability icons was all "blank"?
      After 10 minutes I have discovered that this host is assigned to a Proxy... and looking to Administration->Proxy page I seen that "Last access" was 2 days ago....

      I know it's to find a fix and create a trigger based on "fuzzytime" or in some other ways but I would like to point the Dev Team to this consideration.
      At the moment Zabbix is not only used by Opensource Geeks or Zabbix enthusiast but we are growing very fast also on Big Enterprise companies or we install Zabbix to "payed customers".
      This kind of customers would like to see more "out-of-the-box" strong self healing systems and put efforts on their business and not to check all the Zabbix Server Internal/components status.

      I would like to suggest to implement some default "Availability trigger" inside the official "Template Zabbix App Proxy" and more "visible" evidence of a Proxy fault on Monitoring->Hosts and Configuration-Hosts page. At the moment is NOT easy to understand if the underlying proxy in healthy state or not...

      Thanks so much

        1. image-2022-03-23-13-17-42-931.png
          14 kB
          Shane Arnold
        2. conf_hosts_assigned_to_proxy.jpg
          71 kB
          Dimitri Bellini
        3. host_wihtout_data.jpg
          20 kB
          Dimitri Bellini

            vmurzins Valdis Murzins
            dimitri.bellini Dimitri Bellini
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