Change Request
Resolution: Unresolved
6.0.15, 6.4.1
You need to copy an item from one host/template to another. This item is using valuemap (let it be with big amount of maps)
First you need to create a similar valuemap on the target host\template
Currently, this can only be done manually (or via host\template import-export). It is not comfortable or in some cases not
At the same time, on version 6.0, if we try to copy an item, we will get an error (which is not user friendly at all: 'Valuemap with ID "123" is not available on "Some host"')
Ideally, I would like to be able to automatically copy the valuemap when copying an item. But we need to get the view - what if there is already a valuemap with that name. (at least make copying optional)
At a minimum, I would like to have an error with the text - where it is clear what to do, or clear the valuemap field and write warnings that the valuemap was not copied and user must either select from available from the host or first transfer the original one
More possible options:
Be able to copy from host\template to host\template
Be able to import-export separately valuemaps
Regards, Elina