
    • Icon: New Feature Request New Feature Request
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: High High
    • None
    • None
    • Frontend (F), Server (S)
    • None


      In large environments, central or structural problems can lead to large waves of events or alarms in which several hundred alarms are sent via a MediaType for a user

      Usually this is not very useful because a mailbox, the on-call phone or even the ticket system is flooded with hundreds of messages.

      Especially in this situation, the user will hardly find this flood of messages useful or will also be strongly disturbed during the analysis of the problem .e.g. by alarm sounds.



      After a series of successive alarms, the user will receive only a single message informing him that an alarm threshold has been reached and all further alarms will be marked as delivered or rate-limited for a certain time.

      In detail this could be realized by configuring a limit for the number of messages per user and a waiting time until new notifications are sent.

      A configurable text informs the user about the active limitation (Marcros can be used): Number of suppressed messages, the limitation).

      The mediatype keeps an associative array that counts the number of sent notifications.

      If the message limit is exceeded, the configured text is sent and the following messages are marked as "ratelimited".

      The associative array is reset in the configured waiting time interval.


      As a result, the user is relieved and Zabbix is greatly relieved, especially in the case of multiple addressees to whom the same numerous messages must be sent.


            vmurzins Valdis Murzins
            scoopex Marc Schoechlin
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            3 Start watching this issue
