Change Request
Resolution: Duplicate
Currently Zabbix default installation comes with Audit log with housekeeper enabled with storage period of 365 days by default - Zabbix hot audit log. Timescale partitions are set to 7 days for audit log.
Typically users do not change default settings and in large installations audit log grows and consumes resources (storage and processing power).
To minimize resorce utilization, default value must be decreased to 31 days.
Zabbix hot audit log default settings shold not be set more than general recommendations for audit log retention: 90 days (also Microsoft default retention period is 90d or Google from 30d to 6m).
Records could be moved from hot audit log to cold audit log outside Zabbix to a long term storge (using API or DB), before hoskeeper will remove old records.
- Modify Administration -> Audit log screen "Data storage period" field value from "365d" to "31d";
- Modify Administration -> Housekeeping screen "History" section "Data storage period" field value from "90d" to "31d" (to increase consistency with
- duplicates
ZBXNEXT-8765 Default audit log retention period
- Closed