New Feature Request
Resolution: Unresolved
It currently is impossible to sort for unknown triggers
We have a few branches with network disconnects often and items go unknown. An ops guy goes to click on the map and they see 45 pages of triggers. that are ok or problem. In order to find the unknown you must go through most of the pages to find it.
We need to have a filter for Unknown/Problem/Any.
I found a short term workaround in the tr_status.php.
$config['event_ack_enable'] ? $header_cb : null,
make_sorting_header(S_SEVERITY, 'priority'),
make_sorting_header(S_STATUS,'status'), <----------------Added this line.
make_sorting_header(S_LAST_CHANGE, 'lastchange'),
$show_event_col ? S_DURATION : NULL,
$config['event_ack_enable'] ? S_ACKNOWLEDGED : NULL,
is_show_all_nodes() ? S_NODE : null,
make_sorting_header(S_NAME, 'description'),
Now at least i can sort on the status column and get the unknown on either the first page or last.
- duplicates
ZBX-5278 Change text "All" too "All (monitored)" in a trigger status filter at Triggers page
- Closed