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  2. ZBXNEXT-9056

Remove Plugins.<plugin name>.Capacity parameter


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Trivial Trivial
    • 7.0.0rc2
    • 7.0 (plan)
    • None
    • Sprint candidates
    • 1

      Previously, configuration files for Zabbix agent 2 plugins used to support the parameter:
      Plugins.<plugin name>.Capacity=<int value>
      Now it is deprecated and removed from the plugins created by Zabbix developers. If a user tries to configure it the plugin *.conf file for a plugin provided by Zabbix, an error happens on Zabbix agent 2 start:

      zabbix_agent2 [481161]: ERROR: cannot register plugins: [PostgreSQL] Cannot assign configuration: invalid parameter  at line 10: unknown parameter 

      But it is still possible to configure this parameter in user-created plugins if it is defined in plugin\config.go PluginOptions struct in the user-created plugin.
      A new parameter is recommended instead. The Zabbix agent 2 plugin scheduler in the main Zabbix repo in "src/go/internal/agent/scheduler/manager.go" treats it as a higher priority one:
      Plugins.<plugin name>.System.Capacity=<int value>
      The old parameter should be completely removed from the Zabbix main repo in a new Zabbix release. This is a breaking change and it should not be backported.

            zabbix.dev Zabbix Development Team
            mprihodko Mihails Prihodko
            Team D
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            5 Start watching this issue
