New Feature Request
Resolution: Unresolved
Support backlog
Per Organization The Dashboard API is limited to 5 requests per second, per organization. A burst of 5 additional requests are allowed in the first second, so a maximum of 15 requests in the first 2 seconds. The rate limiting technique is based off of the token bucket model. Furthermore, a concurrency limit of 10 concurrent requests per IP is enforced”
It seems like when writing the template, the rate limiting wasn’t taken into account at all. Result?
Every single one of the Meraki devices has triggers flapping in and out of problem state.
Possible rewrite options?
- Using calculated items and getting more information in bulk then using it in the discovered hosts?
- Not using host discovery? (Although that would be a poor man solution).
- Different javascript solution?
- depends on
ZBXNEXT-9317 Please implement readCache(), writeCache(), updateCache() JS functions
- Closed
- mentioned in
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