New Feature Request
Resolution: Unresolved
6.0.35rc1, 6.4.20rc1, 7.0.5rc1, 7.2.0alpha1
Sprint candidates
When using any of the PostgreSQL DB monitoring templates on the latest database version, there are several unsupported items, due to failed preprocessing step.
Log example from Postgresql by Zabbix agent:
Preprocessing failed for: psql:/var/lib/zabbix/postgresql/pgsql.bgwriter.sql:13: ERROR: column "checkpoints_timed" does no... 1. Failed: cannot extract value from json by path "$.buffers_backend_fsync": invalid object format, expected opening character '{' or '[' at: 'psql:/var/lib/zabbix/postgresql/pgsql.bgwriter.sql:13: ERROR: column "checkpoints_timed" does not exist LINE 3: (SELECT checkpoints_timed, ^...'
Seems that metrics related to pg_stat_bgwriter are moved to a different table in PostgreSQL 17. See link: PostgreSQL 17 Release notes
Note: issue is present in all 3 templates: PostgreSQL by ODBC, PostgreSQL by Zabbix agent, PostgreSQL by Zabbix agent 2