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  2. ZBXNEXT-9911

Possibility of accessing the properties of the log item


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • 7.2.5
    • Server (S)
    • None

      In this version we have the macros that have the different properties, as {ITEM.LOG.DATE}, {ITEM.LOG.SEVERITY} etc, but those macros have a limited use, as they are not supported in the item preprocesing, where we can make dessisions based in those values, usually in a JavaScript.

      May be, in order not to break the actual bejavior

      • the javascript preprocessing step can receive 2 parameters, the first one the value, as now does, and a second, as a JSON representing the hole actual item, where all the properties of the object are present. This way we can alter those values, or alert when a value is not ok, like a timestamp in the future or something else.
      • add a new preprocesing type, like "Item to JSON". The output of this step will be the JSON representing the hole actual item, where all the properties of the object are present.

      At the end, Zabbix should take into account the (posssible) modified JSON representing the item, in order to know the modifications done in the item's properties available for modifications

            wiper Andris Zeila
            gustavo.guido@custos.uy Gustavo Guido
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