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Export - CSV (Current fields)
Exporting template with host prototype that has inaccessible group leads to errorZBX-19442
Cannot change properties on templated host prototype if user has no access to itZBX-19416
Non-inclusive terminology in the source codeZBX-19439
Remote command execution is not displayed in the action log widgetZBX-19300
JQuery patchZBX-19236
Task manager constantly busy with close_problem task if trigger no longer exists but event still exist.ZBX-19237
PostgreSQL template incorrect calculationZBX-19318
Insert trends queries are not sorted, which can cause deadlocksZBX-19359
logsource() function in calculated does not work properlyZBX-19353
SNMPv3 (SHA/AES) access on Dell Idrac9 failZBX-19310
SNMP check ignores result if it contains an errorZBX-19308
Upgrade to 4.0 incorrectly sets request_method to 1 for all itemsZBX-19249
Historical events not shown in frontend when item/trigger disabledZBX-19213
not affected 'Create enabled' at item prototype for LLD on FrontendZBX-19287
It's possible to create maintenance with empty name via maintenance.create API methodZBX-19275
I had some troubles in my zabbix, it was installed into centos 7 machine hosted in a data center, since 1 year ago, the zabbix server is saturated every timeZBX-19189
Error when importing zabbix screenZBX-19233
Memory leak and lost of original error in case of vmware read event errorZBX-19424
Cannot add trigger if host name is numericZBX-19558
Cannot use dependent item for item prototype
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