Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
activity dropdown misaligned in some sectionsZBX-1342
List of IT Services does not show SLA infoZBX-1336
Missing and incorrect links in the list of triggers and other screensZBX-2647
Translation correcting (hardcoded part of string)ZBX-1361
Incorrect GUI behavior after removal of a host groupZBX-1311
row/column size changes in screen configuration if element large enoughZBX-3211
Ukrainian translation fileZBX-2985
can't add applications on template that exist in linked hostsZBX-2983
Auto registration: host ip always
Low level discovery macro filtering. No check for triggers and graphs.ZBX-3282
Trend and History values not saved for item prototype.ZBX-3323
Monitoring->Discovery sql errorZBX-3322
Regular expression Server/GUI inconsistencyZBX-3122
Trigger dependencies in templatesZBX-3169
French translation for 1.8.4rc2ZBX-3260
filter for discovery rules is not saved properlyZBX-3248
Map multiple URLs bugZBX-1407
Misc issues with Dashboard popupsZBX-1252
script history.phpZBX-3041
incorrectly displayed permissions for user and usergroupZBX-3312
REORG TABLE not supported in MySQL.ZBX-3214
server crashes upon startupZBX-3376
Unable to edit map screen elementZBX-3332
Active checks stop working.ZBX-3331
japanese language localisation has disappeared from trunkZBX-3316
"reset() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given" when creating an application with same name as existing oneZBX-3314
"Undefined index: ip" if using {IPADDRESS} macro in map labelsZBX-3313
Not compile on FreeBSDZBX-3303
undefined indexes for items with macros in the keyZBX-3190
Illegal query at sending of the configuration data on a proxy-server, if a configuration emptyZBX-3189
Trigger dependencies broken after merge with ZBXNEXT-512ZBX-3242
Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in screens.inc.php:896ZBX-3241
incorrectly shortened popup texts in many locationsZBX-3250
ORACLE SQL errors in Administration->DM->Proxies screen
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