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- ZBX-10398
Incorrect location of [Edit screen] and [Edit slideshow] buttons - ZBX-10311
guest user with "Zabbix super admin" user type can not edit user media. - ZBX-9984
Incorrect listing of templates to add - ZBX-10341
Failed to import the template that has Templated Screens if tickbox "Template screens:Delete Missing" is in place. - ZBX-10319
"stime" parameter for charts.php is not validated and can make Web server consume 100% CPU - ZBX-10399
Latest data PHP warnings - ZBX-10391
Zabbix 3.0 rpm SPEC error on CentOS6 - ZBX-10238
Impossible to update existing item using template importing feature - ZBX-10405
Updating log item metadata causes memory leak in history cache - ZBX-10415
Cannot update host availability after upgrade to 3.0.0 - ZBX-10366
vmware check doesn't work for XML depth over 256
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