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- ZBX-12075
Bug 1. Zabbix Server Remote Code Execution ( CVSS: 10, SIR: Critical ) - ZBX-11933
Lost full screen on submap - ZBX-11864
Standard HTTPS check fails on IPv6 - ZBX-6851
The EventID column does not display zero number in the frotend's History if an event, aquired using Windows Eventlog, has EventID=0. - ZBX-11893
Zabbix admins cannot import hosts that have a proxy configured - ZBX-11758
Crash in http poller on DebugLevel=4 on Solaris with regex: variable in scenario - ZBX-9358
Zabbix API session ID generation produces non-unique IDs - ZBX-12076
Bug 2. Active Zabbix Proxy MITM Database Overwrite (CVSS 6.8: SIR: High) - ZBX-11807
Poller stalls during ODBC discovery - ZBX-7492
Undefined index if import XML is without macros.
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