• Sprint 3
    • 1.5

      We have IPv6 on most of our equipment, and some machines run totally on v6. I added a couple of servers to my Zabbix test setup, and the HTTPS check failed. This was both a machine on IPv6 only, and another with dualstack. On all dualstack machines, IPv6 is preferred. From the logs, I found this

      check_https: curl_easy_perform failed for [2001:x:y:z::205:443]: URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL

      :443 should be outside [], like [2001:x:y:z::205]:443

      More logs below

        1820:20170301:231844.546 In substitute_simple_macros() data:EMPTY
        1820:20170301:231844.546 In substitute_simple_macros() data:EMPTY
        1820:20170301:231844.546 In get_value() key:'net.tcp.service[https]'
        1820:20170301:231844.546 In get_value_simple() key_orig:'net.tcp.service[https]' addr:'2001:x:y:z::205'
        1820:20170301:231844.547 check_https: curl_easy_perform failed for [2001:x:y:z::205:443]: URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL
        1820:20170301:231844.547 End of get_value_simple():SUCCEED
        1820:20170301:231844.547 End of get_value():SUCCEED
        1820:20170301:231844.547 In activate_host() hostid:10115 itemid:53744 type:3
        1820:20170301:231844.547 End of activate_host()

            Unassigned Unassigned
            RoyK Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
            Team C
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