Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
- ZBXNEXT-6554
Zabbix Agent Remote Execution limit to 512kb - ZBXNEXT-8145
Communication framework for widgets - ZBXNEXT-8714
Update MariaDB maximum supported version to 11.1 - ZBXNEXT-8658
Improve `Maps` usability - ZBXNEXT-8643
Frontend changes for new trigger functions - jsonpath, xmlxpath - ZBXNEXT-8331
New Pie chart widget - ZBXNEXT-8507
Template changes to allow configurable Timeout per item - ZBXNEXT-8576
integration with acronis - ZBXNEXT-8570
Remove TimescaleDB v1.x support - ZBXNEXT-8603
Server changes to support of history.push API method - ZBXNEXT-8703
Frontend changes to allow multiple LLD group prototypes for a single host group - ZBXNEXT-8468
Frontend changes to allow configurable Timeout per item - ZBXNEXT-8192
Feature request: Meraki API template filtering - ZBXNEXT-7687
Extend sorting in Top Hosts widget. - ZBXNEXT-7761
Inconsistent behavior of the "Add" link action in User groups - ZBXNEXT-4165
If action operation's "Send only to" is set to "- All -" it's not listed on Media types page. - ZBXNEXT-7726
new preprocessing step: turn not supported error message to a collected value - ZBXNEXT-8611
Frontend changes to improve error-handling in item preprocessing - ZBXNEXT-8638
New trigger functions jsonpath, xmlxpath - ZBXNEXT-8600
Vault secrets are resolved to * (asterisks) in Script preprocessing step - ZBXNEXT-8469
PostgreSQL 16 support - ZBXNEXT-1096
Configurable Timeout per item (host interface|item) - ZBXNEXT-8702
VMware Discovery "Cannot create group: group with the same name"
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