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Incorrect sentence for TimescaleDB compressionZBX-23112
PHP exceptions while Jenkins buildZBX-23098
Document Nginx requirementsZBX-23097
Use of uninitialised value when verifying subject and issuer with TLSZBX-23049
Macro {ITEM.LOG.TIME} is expanded when macro {ITEM.LOG.xxxxxxxxx} is misspelled.ZBX-22971
Expression macro in action message is not inherited, when upgrade from 4.0 to 6.0ZBX-22912
Cannot save event correlation when custom formula is given and condition is removed afterwardsZBX-22874
Trigger expression for "and not" not correspond expected behaviorZBX-22867
Template import circle shows animation even if PHP code failedZBX-22830
Incorrect free bytes calculation for temporary tablespace in oracle zabbix agent 2 pluginZBX-22825
Zabbix is not working for a user with access to a specific amount of pagesZBX-22822
Defined thresholds not taken into account in Top hosts widget when received value above Max field valueZBX-22814
Undefined index when using "expandComment" in trigger.getZBX-22777
Undefined user macro is resolved to user macro nameZBX-22711
Graphs of non numeric items are confusing.ZBX-22539
Daylight saving time changes breaks SLA calculationZBX-22369
Suffixes in thresholds in "Item value" and "Top hosts" widgets always have the 1024 baseZBX-22290
Two different <head> HTML tags are presented on "permission denied" error pagesZBX-21970
Console error in Map navigation tree widgetZBX-21886
Missing PostgreSQL plugin in Zabbix agent 2 6.0.10ZBX-21845
DBus v1.12.24-0 breaks systemd units discovery rulesZBX-21837
please optimise Kubernetes API server by HTTPZBX-21788
Filename is wrong in documentationZBX-21571
Kubernetes: no trigger prototype associated with "Containers ready" conditionZBX-21547
Agent2 keys: regexp,regmatch fails with encoding UTF16LE.ZBX-20148
Housekeeper does not delete events even after the "Trigger data storage period"ZBX-19393
Undefined index in configuration.importcompare
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