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Tag usage policy for templatesZBXNEXT-7412
test suite does not build or run in FreeBSDZBXNEXT-7411
Runtime commands on *BSD systemsZBXNEXT-7409
"vfs.dir.count" and "vfs.dir.size" metrics for Agent2ZBXNEXT-7399
Frontend changes to allow text datatype Calculated itemsZBXNEXT-7389
Flatten templates to use no linked templatesZBXNEXT-7130
Positional macros should be removed from templatesZBXNEXT-7125
Top hosts data grid widgetZBXNEXT-7115
Drop deprecated support of user macros in item namesZBXNEXT-7112
Prometheus should support bulk processing (Templates)ZBXNEXT-7109
Better server runtime commandsZBXNEXT-7107
Improve navigation between Monitoring and Configuration for itemsZBXNEXT-7101
Implement "sleep" function into zabbix JS engineZBXNEXT-7100
Add hostname macro for Vmware hypervisor discoveryZBXNEXT-7092
Minor usability improvements for Latest data and Hosts viewsZBXNEXT-7090
Collect metrics from Kubernetes SchedulerZBXNEXT-7087
Template Kubernetes kubeletZBXNEXT-7086
Template Kubernetes Controller managerZBXNEXT-7085
Action formula DB field for custom expression might be more than 255 charsZBXNEXT-7081
Update phpunit tests to run under PHP8ZBXNEXT-7078
Template for PFsense monitoringZBXNEXT-7071
Enhancements for SNMP GatewayZBXNEXT-7070
Templates and Linked templates tabs should be removed from host and template Mass update formsZBXNEXT-7049
Prometheus should support bulk processingZBXNEXT-7047
Prometheus functions should be extendedZBXNEXT-7042
Frontend changes for anomaly detection functionZBXNEXT-7037
Provide Raspbian 11 (bullseye) packagesZBXNEXT-7033
Stabilize positioning of overlay dialoguesZBXNEXT-7031
Update README for Oracle by ODBC templateZBXNEXT-7020
Frontend changes for baseline monitoringZBXNEXT-7018
Better visibility of templates in UIZBXNEXT-7014
PagegerDuty webhook needs to be reviewed and updatedZBXNEXT-7012
Frontend changes to add new agent items vfs.dir.get, agent.variantZBXNEXT-7004
Clone ServiceZBXNEXT-7002
Kubernetes API serverZBXNEXT-7001
HA induced template changes for Zabbix Server/ Zabbix Server remoteZBXNEXT-6999
Advanced SLA reportingZBXNEXT-6996
Remove positional macros in item name (Frontend)ZBXNEXT-6970
Create separate templates for Mikrotik RoutersZBXNEXT-6966
Single item widgetZBXNEXT-6958
Support of loading of Agent2 plugins at startupZBXNEXT-6955
Anomaly detection functionsZBXNEXT-6954
New macros for debugging trigger expressionsZBXNEXT-6953
Main template Kubernetes State Metrics CoreZBXNEXT-6951
Implement audit for frontend (Services)ZBXNEXT-6950
Introduce new trigger function to detect recessions in a constantly growing progressionZBXNEXT-6945
Geographical map widgetZBXNEXT-6936
Reload list of user parameters without restarting of Zabbix AgentZBXNEXT-6933
Zabbix Kuberenetes Helm chartZBXNEXT-6932
Kubernetes Nodes
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