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  2. ZBXNEXT-7014

PagegerDuty webhook needs to be reviewed and updated


    • Sprint 81 (Oct 2021), Sprint 82 (Nov 2021)
    • 2

      1. CHANGES TO WEBHOOKS: We are happy to launch our v3 webhooks utilized to build a native integration.   In addition, we wanted to let you know that we are deprecating our v1 webhooks and v2 webhooks at the end of November 2021 (v1 webhooks) and March, 2022 (v2 webhooks).  Please review your current integration listed on the PagerDuty Directory and upgrade your integration to v3 webhooks before November, 2021.
      Resource Links for webhooks:
      Integration Documentation: Please also review your integration documentation and make any changes needed.

      2. INCIDENT AND ALERT ID CHANGES: We are also making changes to the Incident and Alert ID.  The Incident and Alert ID are being increased in character length to 14 in place of the current 7 characters to support the increasing storage capacity of our systems starting in the month of October, 2021.
      We will first roll this out to our EU service region on October 5, 2021, followed by a rollout to the North American service region on October 12, 2021.

      If you have a custom integration or your own code that makes use of PagerDuty's API, you should review that code at this time to ensure that it will continue to function with the new identifiers. Specifically, you should confirm that your code does not rely on the existence of a P prefix for incident identifiers, nor make assumptions that they are of a certain length.|

            abiba Andrew Biba
            alarionovs Aleksandrs Larionovs (Inactive)
            Team INT
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
