Release Notes - ZABBIX FEATURE REQUESTS - Version 1.9.9 (beta) - HTML format

New Feature Request

Change Request

  • [ZBXNEXT-406] - generic 'zabbix[host,...]' should replace the limited 'status'
  • [ZBXNEXT-675] - New set of default icons
  • [ZBXNEXT-754] - Ability to use the host context menu from 'latest data', events and overview screens
  • [ZBXNEXT-835] - Allow Trigger Dependency from a Template to a Host
  • [ZBXNEXT-1024] - Add/delete some modes for vm.memory.size key under FreeBSD (or all BSD) and other OS
  • [ZBXNEXT-1058] - Frontend should have some indicator for lost LLD resources that are going to be removed
  • [ZBXNEXT-1066] - expose access to templated screens

Change Request (Sub-task)

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