[ZBX-1875] removing hosts from groups implies adding them to some other group Created: 2010 Jan 29  Updated: 2021 Dec 01  Resolved: 2021 Dec 01

Status: Closed
Component/s: Frontend (F)
Affects Version/s: 1.8.1, 1.9.0 (alpha)
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Incident report Priority: Trivial
Reporter: richlv Assignee: Zabbix Development Team
Resolution: Won't fix Votes: 0
Labels: usability
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified

Issue Links:
is duplicated by ZBX-2365 "One of the Objects is left without H... Closed
is duplicated by ZBX-9024 In tween box with combo box items fro... Closed


usability issue. when removing host from a group, that host has to be moved to the other box, which displays hosts from another group.

1. if user just wants to remove host from a group, that is confusing, because it seems to imply that host has to be added to some other group always;

2. if user would actually like to assign host to the other group, at first it looks like that would happen (host is listed in that list), but such an operation is not performed.

maybe redesign the screen so that hosts can only be added to the left listbox, and to remove them button 'remove' is introduced below the left listbox ?

might still be confusing, maybe there's a better solution.

Comment by Alexander Vladishev [ 2021 Dec 01 ]

Not actual for latest releases because these controls replaced by multiselects.

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