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CVE-2017-2824 zabbix: Multiple vulnerabilitiesZBX-12341
Test Memory leak in active check process (LOG)ZBX-12328
Identical variable names in same functionZBX-12305
Name of the parent IT service is not properly escapedZBX-12299
Unknown column type in dservicesZBX-12296
Item preprocessing loses the fractional part of the numberZBX-12266
Ipc service client disconnects are not handled properly resulting in a memory leakZBX-12231
Memory leak in active check process (LOG)ZBX-12226
Zabbix server compiled with Oracle support crashes on syncing host interfacesZBX-12225
Slow problems processing because of slow query with permissions checkZBX-12201
Zabbix server crashes on snmptrap receivedZBX-12197
Two functions to validate sessionZBX-12192
Map update failed because of incorrect element coordinate value, when grid is offZBX-12187
Memory leak when agent tries to execute UserParameter with suppressed characters in parametersZBX-12182
Export problems to CSV disregards the selected pageZBX-12142
Zabbix database upgrade from 3.0.3 to 3.2.5 fails with oracle db backend in useZBX-12121
"Nodata" triggers doesn't workZBX-12116
Maintenance page filters results incorrectly when searchingZBX-12108
API event.get limit is incorrectZBX-12101
Broken Zabbix SenderZBX-12100
ssh check wrong type for numbersZBX-12093
Applications created by LLD stay on the host after the unlinking items from it in a templateZBX-12076
Bug 2. Active Zabbix Proxy MITM Database Overwrite (CVSS 6.8: SIR: High)ZBX-12075
Bug 1. Zabbix Server Remote Code Execution ( CVSS: 10, SIR: Critical )ZBX-12062
Cannot build current trunk (r67354)ZBX-12046
MySQL Database Failure During Id Selection Resets Id To 1ZBX-12023
Trigger permissions don't work properlyZBX-12019
Frontend incorrectly displays calendar in maintenance edit form when system time zone is ahead of PHP timezoneZBX-12012
In the macro {ITEM.LOG.SEVERITY}, the value "critical" is expanded to "unknown".ZBX-12000
Clone buttons should be not visible when Map was cloned not successfullyZBX-11984
Host hyper-link of Event details does not follow UI guidelinesZBX-11981
Error screens.phpZBX-11980
SSH check does not properly handle type conversion errorZBX-11975
"Undefined index: httpstepid" when save an existing web scenario with new stepsZBX-11960
Host interfaces drag & drop issue for Google ChromeZBX-11959
Memory leak in agent if built on OpenBSDZBX-11951
Zabbix stopped calculating triggers containing {TRIGGER.VALUE}ZBX-11938
LLD rule filter configuration tab should not show Type of calculation drop down with only one filterZBX-11933
Lost full screen on submapZBX-11931
Problems with trigger lastchange updateZBX-11925
Slow do to nested host groups - parent/child relationshipsZBX-11907
"Undefined index: ns" on Monitoring->Event details screenZBX-11905
Not working redirect to the original requested page after loginZBX-11893
Zabbix admins cannot import hosts that have a proxy configuredZBX-11889
Zabbix do not update lastaccess for passive proxyZBX-11877
Undefined index in screensZBX-11867
Memory leak in history cacheZBX-11864
Standard HTTPS check fails on IPv6ZBX-11855
Carriage Return Causes Data Truncation During EscapingZBX-11829
Recovery Value Update In Multiple Event Mode Generate Problem Events
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