Documentation task
Resolution: Fixed
Dedicated server
2*Xeon Gold 6140 processors with a total of 72 logical processors.
Windows server 2016 64-bit
Zabbix agent 4.0.14
3-rd part template for zabbix: https://github.com/MantasTumenas/Zabbix-template-for-Microsoft-Windows-Server
Sprint 58 (Nov 2019), Sprint 59 (Dec 2019), Sprint 60 (Jan 2020), Sprint 61 (Feb 2020)
For the logic processors from 44 to 71, it can't get any data.
(system.cpu.util[XX,system,avg1] or system.cpu.util[XX,system,avg5] or system.cpu.util[XX,system,avg15])
See screenshot
See log file
All data for the logic processors from 44 to 71 should be collected.
My previous bug-report https://support.zabbix.com/browse/ZBX-16433
bug-report which have to fixed all problem https://support.zabbix.com/browse/ZBX-15675
- part of
ZBX-15675 system.cpu.util[all,system,avg1] reports the utilization of the first numa node on Windows NUMA hosts
- Closed