Uploaded image for project: 'ZABBIX BUGS AND ISSUES'
  2. ZBX-19159

Missing tags in recovery operation


    • Sprint 74 (Mar 2021), Sprint 75 (Apr 2021), Sprint 76 (May 2021), Sprint 77 (Jun 2021), Sprint 78 (Jul 2021)
    • 1

      1. Create media type withe the following configuration:

      and Javascript body (3 seconds delay during problem operation):

      var params = JSON.parse(value),
          result = {tags: {}};
      if (params.event_value === '0' || params.event_update_status === '1') {
         throw 'Recovery ' + params.servicenow_sys_id;
      else {
        var now = new Date().getTime();
         while(new Date().getTime() < now + 3000){ /* do nothing */ } 
        result.tags.__zbx_servicenow_number = 'test';
      return JSON.stringify(result);

      2. Configure standard action with the following operations:

      3. Create a simple trigger for Zabbix trapper item:


      4. Send 1 using zabbix_sender, and during 3 seconds send 0 to resolve the problem
      5. Finally Problem operation and Recovery operation will b executed, but in recovery operation __zbx_servicenow_number tag is missing!

      Problem log:

         209:20210323:232216.948 End substitute_simple_macros_impl() data:'Problem started at 23:22:15 on 2021.03.23
         209:20210323:232216.948 End of add_user_msg()
         209:20210323:232216.948 End of add_user_msgs()
         209:20210323:232216.948 End of add_object_msg()
         209:20210323:232216.948 In add_message_alert()
         209:20210323:232216.948 query [txnlev:0] [select m.mediatypeid,m.sendto,m.severity,m.period,mt.status,m.active from media m,media_type mt where m.mediatypeid=mt.mediatypeid and m.userid=3 and m.mediatypeid=29]
         209:20210323:232216.949 In substitute_simple_macros_impl() data:'1-7,00:00-24:00'
         209:20210323:232216.949 severity:4, media severity:63, period:'1-7,00:00-24:00', userid:3
         209:20210323:232216.949 query [txnlev:0] [select name,value from media_type_param where mediatypeid=29]
         209:20210323:232216.950 In substitute_simple_macros_impl() data:'servicenow_sys_id'
         209:20210323:232216.950 In substitute_simple_macros_impl() data:'{EVENT.TAGS.__zbx_servicenow_number}'
         209:20210323:232216.950 End substitute_simple_macros_impl() data:'{EVENT.TAGS.__zbx_servicenow_number}'
         209:20210323:232216.950 In substitute_simple_macros_impl() data:'event_source'
         209:20210323:232216.950 In substitute_simple_macros_impl() data:'{EVENT.SOURCE}'
         209:20210323:232216.950 End substitute_simple_macros_impl() data:'0'
         209:20210323:232216.950 In substitute_simple_macros_impl() data:'event_update_status'
         209:20210323:232216.950 In substitute_simple_macros_impl() data:'{EVENT.UPDATE.STATUS}'
         209:20210323:232216.950 End substitute_simple_macros_impl() data:'0'
         209:20210323:232216.950 In substitute_simple_macros_impl() data:'event_value'
         209:20210323:232216.950 In substitute_simple_macros_impl() data:'{EVENT.VALUE}'
         209:20210323:232216.950 End substitute_simple_macros_impl() data:'1'
         209:20210323:232216.950 In DCget_nextid() table:'alerts' num:1
         209:20210323:232216.950 End of DCget_nextid() table:'alerts' [19:19]
         209:20210323:232216.950 query without transaction detected
         209:20210323:232216.950 query [txnlev:0] [insert into alerts (alertid,actionid,eventid,userid,clock,mediatypeid,sendto,subject,message,status,error,esc_step,alerttype,acknowledgeid,parameters) values (19,3,33,3,1616523736,29,'dummy','Problem: test2','Problem started at 23:22:15 on 2021.03.23
         209:20210323:232216.951 End of add_message_alert()
         209:20210323:232216.952 query [txnlev:0] [select null from operations where actionid=3 and (esc_step_to>1 or esc_step_to=0) and recovery=0 limit 1]
         209:20210323:232216.952 End of escalation_execute_operations()
         209:20210323:232216.952 End of escalation_execute()
         209:20210323:232216.952 query [txnlev:1] [begin;]
         209:20210323:232216.952 query [txnlev:1] [update escalations set nextcheck=case when r_eventid is null then 1616527336 else 0 end,esc_step=1,status=2 where escalationid=11;
         209:20210323:232216.952 query [txnlev:1] [commit;]
         209:20210323:232216.954 End of process_escalations()
         209:20210323:232216.954 In process_escalations()
         209:20210323:232216.954 query [txnlev:0] [select escalationid,actionid,triggerid,eventid,r_eventid,nextcheck,esc_step,status,itemid,acknowledgeid from escalations where triggerid is null and itemid is not null and nextcheck<=1616523739 order by actionid,triggerid,itemid,escalationid]
         209:20210323:232216.954 End of process_escalations()
         209:20210323:232216.954 In process_escalations()
         209:20210323:232216.954 query [txnlev:0] [select escalationid,actionid,triggerid,eventid,r_eventid,nextcheck,esc_step,status,itemid,acknowledgeid from escalations where triggerid is null and itemid is null and nextcheck<=1616523739 order by actionid,triggerid,itemid,escalationid]
         209:20210323:232216.954 End of process_escalations()
         209:20210323:232216.954 zbx_setproctitle() title:'escalator #1 [processed 0 escalations in 0.012355 sec, idle 3 sec]'
         234:20210323:232217.953 zbx_ipc_socket_read() code:1105 size:638 data:f1 01 00 00 bf 00 00 00 | 36 00 00 00 0f 00 00 00 | 00 00 09 00 01 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 18 04 0b | 80 00 00 04 0b 00 04 06 | 00 01 06 05 d2 00 00 07 | 00 00 05 01 b0 00 05 01 | 00 00 06 01 c0 00 02 07 | 03 00 08 00 c0 02 07 06 | c2 00 06 02 00 03 01 04 | 6e 04 04 05 1a 00 05 00 | 32 80 00 02 02 05 01 06 | 6e 06 06 05 1a 00 05 00 | 30 80 00 04 02 07 01 04 | 6e 04 08 04 35 00 04 00 | a9 80 00 18 02 00 09 04
         234:20210323:232217.953 End of zbx_ipc_socket_read():SUCCEED
         234:20210323:232217.953 In zbx_es_execute() param:{"servicenow_sys_id":"{EVENT.TAGS.__zbx_servicenow_number}","event_source":"0","event_update_status":"0","event_value":"1"}
         242:20210323:232220.963 query [txnlev:1] [insert into event_tag (eventtagid,eventid,tag,value) values (5,33,'__zbx_servicenow_number','test');
         242:20210323:232220.963 query [txnlev:1] [insert into problem_tag (problemtagid,eventid,tag,value) values (5,33,'__zbx_servicenow_number','test');

      Recovery log:

        209:20210323:232219.956 query [txnlev:0] [select eventid,tag,value from event_tag where eventid in (33,34) order by eventid]
         209:20210323:232219.959 query [txnlev:0] [select name,value from media_type_param where mediatypeid=29]
         209:20210323:232219.959 In substitute_simple_macros_impl() data:'servicenow_sys_id'
         209:20210323:232219.959 In substitute_simple_macros_impl() data:'{EVENT.TAGS.__zbx_servicenow_number}'
         209:20210323:232219.959 End substitute_simple_macros_impl() data:'{EVENT.TAGS.__zbx_servicenow_number}'
         209:20210323:232219.959 In substitute_simple_macros_impl() data:'event_source'
         209:20210323:232219.959 In substitute_simple_macros_impl() data:'{EVENT.SOURCE}'
         209:20210323:232219.959 End substitute_simple_macros_impl() data:'0'
         209:20210323:232219.959 In substitute_simple_macros_impl() data:'event_update_status'
         209:20210323:232219.959 In substitute_simple_macros_impl() data:'{EVENT.UPDATE.STATUS}'
         209:20210323:232219.959 End substitute_simple_macros_impl() data:'0'
         209:20210323:232219.959 In substitute_simple_macros_impl() data:'event_value'
         209:20210323:232219.959 In substitute_simple_macros_impl() data:'{EVENT.VALUE}'
         209:20210323:232219.959 End substitute_simple_macros_impl() data:'0'
         209:20210323:232219.959 In DCget_nextid() table:'alerts' num:1
         209:20210323:232219.959 End of DCget_nextid() table:'alerts' [20:20]
         209:20210323:232219.959 query without transaction detected
         209:20210323:232219.959 query [txnlev:0] [insert into alerts (alertid,actionid,eventid,userid,clock,mediatypeid,sendto,subject,message,status,error,esc_step,alerttype,acknowledgeid,parameters,p_eventid) values (20,3,34,3,1616523739,29,'dummy','Resolved in 2s: test2','Problem has been resolved at 23:22:17 on 2021.03.23
         209:20210323:232219.961 End of add_message_alert()
         209:20210323:232219.961 End of escalation_execute_recovery_operations()
         209:20210323:232219.961 End of escalation_recover()
         209:20210323:232219.961 query [txnlev:1] [begin;]
         209:20210323:232219.961 query [txnlev:1] [delete from escalations where escalationid=11;
         209:20210323:232219.961 query [txnlev:1] [commit;]
         209:20210323:232219.962 End of process_escalations()
         209:20210323:232219.962 In process_escalations()
         209:20210323:232219.962 query [txnlev:0] [select escalationid,actionid,triggerid,eventid,r_eventid,nextcheck,esc_step,status,itemid,acknowledgeid from escalations where triggerid is null and itemid is not null and nextcheck<=1616523742 order by actionid,triggerid,itemid,escalationid]
         209:20210323:232219.962 End of process_escalations()
         209:20210323:232219.962 In process_escalations()
         209:20210323:232219.962 query [txnlev:0] [select escalationid,actionid,triggerid,eventid,r_eventid,nextcheck,esc_step,status,itemid,acknowledgeid from escalations where triggerid is null and itemid is null and nextcheck<=1616523742 order by actionid,triggerid,itemid,escalationid]
         209:20210323:232219.962 End of process_escalations()
         209:20210323:232219.962 zbx_setproctitle() title:'escalator #1 [processed 1 escalations in 0.007608 sec, idle 3 sec]'
         233:20210323:232220.962 zbx_ipc_socket_read() code:1105 size:638 data:f1 01 00 00 bf 00 00 00 | 36 00 00 00 0f 00 00 00 | 00 00 09 00 01 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 18 04 0b | 80 00 00 04 0b 00 04 06 | 00 01 06 05 d2 00 00 07 | 00 00 05 01 b0 00 05 01 | 00 00 06 01 c0 00 02 07 | 03 00 08 00 c0 02 07 06 | c2 00 06 02 00 03 01 04 | 6e 04 04 05 1a 00 05 00 | 32 80 00 02 02 05 01 06 | 6e 06 06 05 1a 00 05 00 | 30 80 00 04 02 07 01 04 | 6e 04 08 04 35 00 04 00 | a9 80 00 18 02 00 09 04
         233:20210323:232220.962 End of zbx_ipc_socket_read():SUCCEED
         233:20210323:232220.962 In zbx_es_execute() param:{"servicenow_sys_id":"{EVENT.TAGS.__zbx_servicenow_number}","event_source":"0","event_update_status":"0","event_value":"0"}
         233:20210323:232220.962 End of zbx_es_execute():FAIL Recovery {EVENT.TAGS.__zbx_servicenow_number}

      1. Recovery must be executed only when problem operation is finished;
      2. Tags from problem operations must be exist during recovery operations.

        1. Screenshot 2021-03-23 at 23.28.07.png
          100 kB
          Alexey Pustovalov
        2. Screenshot 2021-03-23 at 23.28.13.png
          25 kB
          Alexey Pustovalov
        3. Screenshot 2021-03-23 at 23.29.37.png
          63 kB
          Alexey Pustovalov
        4. Screenshot 2021-03-23 at 23.32.32.png
          51 kB
          Alexey Pustovalov
        5. zabbix_server.tar.gz
          1.66 MB
          Alexey Pustovalov
        6. ZBX-19159-5.0.patch
          5 kB
          Dmitrijs Goloscapovs

            dgoloscapov Dmitrijs Goloscapovs
            dotneft Alexey Pustovalov
            Team A
            2 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
